Football Legends #2

Ronaldinho which I will write about today is known by almost everyone. History of “best player ever” ,like a lot of people call him may be showed like: from rags to riches. He was born in poor family in Porto Alegre and despite of his love to football nobody expected that he will become a giant star. At first Ronaldinho was playing in his school team and already then he showed his awesome skills and big potential – he was called “goals sniper”. After a few years he was bought by Barcelona and there spend his best years of football career, later he was playing in AC Milan where he was doing pretty well.

Ronaldinho is known mostly of his insane skills and great field review. Cause of this he done well on almost every position. He won almost every one on one situation and often could win situations like 3 to 1. He was just unstoppable. You can watch some of his great actions by typing “best of Ronaldinho”.


  1. Provide LINKS to your sources PLEASE!
    It would help if you gave some dates (when he was a footballer) in case someone doesn't know who he was.


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