
Showing posts from October, 2018

thoughts of the week

Problem whitch mostly attracted attention is about lies. I've observed that people very often lies just to gain profits like material stuff of simple attemtion of other people. These problem is also related to childs- starting form sucklins to tennagers. They often lie and rarely get scolded because "it's just a child" these type of thinking is bad because it stays in child that he can lie and wont be punished so he keeps doing it all the time. People lie also because they don't want to say the truth because of being sceared of other side reaction. They want to hide the truth and don't concider that it will swim out by the time and do more damage to both sides than it would do at the beginning. Personally i think that honesty is wery important think in relationships and hiding the truth meks a problemm bigger and don't leads to sloving it.

thoughts about music

As all of us know music has hardly developed over the past few years. A lot of new artists have came up with many new styles of music - some great and enyoyable sound for ears and some definetly unlikable. But one thing that I think is bad is simplyfying and lacking the texts of songs. Let's take a look on the end of 20 and beginning of 21 century. Each of self-respecting musician in his songs wanted to say somethin and give listeners something to thing about and draw conclusions from it. And nowadays great of songs  looks like saying, shouting  or mumbling words to microphone and somtimes they are not even connected to each other. We can clearly see these on example of hip hop style when earlier tracks were having a soul and forced to think about them and now, when many popular "artists" are just standing and mumbling sth to microfhone that we can't even understend what they are saying or repeating same words all the time. I think that artists sholud show us more tha