thoughts of the week

Problem whitch mostly attracted attention is about lies. I've observed that people very often lies just to gain profits like material stuff of simple attemtion of other people. These problem is also related to childs- starting form sucklins to tennagers. They often lie and rarely get scolded because "it's just a child" these type of thinking is bad because it stays in child that he can lie and wont be punished so he keeps doing it all the time. People lie also because they don't want to say the truth because of being sceared of other side reaction. They want to hide the truth and don't concider that it will swim out by the time and do more damage to both sides than it would do at the beginning. Personally i think that honesty is wery important think in relationships and hiding the truth meks a problemm bigger and don't leads to sloving it.


  1. Even though I appreciate the topic and the conclusion of your reflection, it pains me to see so many mistakes. Truth doesn't "swim out", "children" is the plural of 'child', etc. Pay more attention to HOW you write.

  2. In my opinion the truth is essential to build healthy relations. I agree that we should teach children and require the truthfulness


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