
I've recently reminded myself about interesting series that i've watched - Black Mirror. It shows you  possible stories that could accualy happen if people don't stop blindly follow technology. Of course, it is shown in a grotesque and exaggerated way, but the whole ot this is meant to reflect the viewer.  Each episode tells a different, expressive and suspenseful story about the contemporary  fear  of  modern   technology . By the way, technology has changed all aspects of our lives. In every home, on every desk and in every hand, you can see a plasma screen, a monitor or a smartphone - a black mirror reflecting whole life of the 21st century. Intersting worlds - the process of digitization / cyfryzacja - contemporary / modern - nosedive / fall / airplane can nosedive
Are Geniuses Born or Made? I’ve watched the conversation with neurologist Joy Hirsch which explores the connections in our brains.   These connections like they said make us different according to size or quantity of them. We develop and improve them all the time, but scientists still can’t say what exactly influences on them and make them extend. Brain is still a very complicated system that neurologist can’t solve at all. But to answer for the topic question,   genius could be a person who naturally have bigger and thick connections in brain, but also somebody who developed and trained his creativity.

Why right wing politicus become more popular

In my opinion incerase of right wing popularity is generally caused by world situation. There are more and more problems with imigrants who aren't very welcome by most of the society and here right wing politics agree with people to decrease the numer of admitted imigrants. Other "cross" with people opinion take place when it comes to lgbt and things connected to this. People mosty don't support it and don't want these people in society. There are also some more things that cause popularity of right wing but i think that these two were one od the biggest

thoughts of the week

Problem whitch mostly attracted attention is about lies. I've observed that people very often lies just to gain profits like material stuff of simple attemtion of other people. These problem is also related to childs- starting form sucklins to tennagers. They often lie and rarely get scolded because "it's just a child" these type of thinking is bad because it stays in child that he can lie and wont be punished so he keeps doing it all the time. People lie also because they don't want to say the truth because of being sceared of other side reaction. They want to hide the truth and don't concider that it will swim out by the time and do more damage to both sides than it would do at the beginning. Personally i think that honesty is wery important think in relationships and hiding the truth meks a problemm bigger and don't leads to sloving it.

thoughts about music

As all of us know music has hardly developed over the past few years. A lot of new artists have came up with many new styles of music - some great and enyoyable sound for ears and some definetly unlikable. But one thing that I think is bad is simplyfying and lacking the texts of songs. Let's take a look on the end of 20 and beginning of 21 century. Each of self-respecting musician in his songs wanted to say somethin and give listeners something to thing about and draw conclusions from it. And nowadays great of songs  looks like saying, shouting  or mumbling words to microphone and somtimes they are not even connected to each other. We can clearly see these on example of hip hop style when earlier tracks were having a soul and forced to think about them and now, when many popular "artists" are just standing and mumbling sth to microfhone that we can't even understend what they are saying or repeating same words all the time. I think that artists sholud show us more tha


Last week I've noticed thing that is one of the most popular stereotypes connected with school. It says that every teacher takes his subject as the most important subject on the world. As long as we talk about gymnasium where classes aren't profiled it's not so bad when it' come to high school when everyboby have their profile like math-physics-english making so big pressure on other subjects which students are not interested in is useless. I thing that teachers should be more distanced and dont make as big pressue on pupils who don't expand their subject

What it means to be a real man of 21 century?

What it means to be a real man of 21 century? It's very subjective question and everybody will give another answer to it. For me such a man should be handsome and have a good fashion sense. Another important thing is his character he should be a sanguine because it's most enjoyable type of character and it helps with making new friends. Man of 21 century should have a stable good paid job on some high position in social ladder. For men like him even big apartment is too small so best option for him and his wife and chldren is big villa near a lagre city. And last but not least  he should be recognizable in the world of politics. Summarizing men of 21 century sholu be poloular person with high social position and big, happy family.