Why right wing politicus become more popular

In my opinion incerase of right wing popularity is generally caused by world situation. There are more and more problems with imigrants who aren't very welcome by most of the society and here right wing politics agree with people to decrease the numer of admitted imigrants.
Other "cross" with people opinion take place when it comes to lgbt and things connected to this. People mosty don't support it and don't want these people in society. There are also some more things that cause popularity of right wing but i think that these two were one od the biggest


  1. If what you say is true, it is very sad. It would mean that the majority of people want to literally eliminate anyone that is different from the imaginary 'norm'. Remember it doesn't stop with immigrants and LGBT people. What about mentally ill people, autistic children, invalids, people of coulour, the deaf and the blind? The list can be extended in any direction.

  2. The endmost panacea is the way


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