Beginnings of association football

Who have kicked the ball first?

First notes about association football are dated to the end of 12 age, when Romans went to the British islands. It was called Harpastum and it wasn’t have a lot in common with soccer we play today, it was a violent game and most importantly you could catch the ball in hands.

But association football have much longer history. The beginnings of kicking the spherical object named today a ball had place in China and Japan about 2000 years B.C. Firstly soccer had a military usage – the army of cesar Huang Ti played soccer to train their mobility, dexterity and discipline. It was also useful to rip the team. On the other hand in Japan association football had a religious character and only educated people could play it. In both countries some group of people liked this game and started to play it on their own. They passed it from generation to generation, in the meantime modifying the rules, and that’s how the soccer was created


  1. Where's the link to the sources?
    Are you saying that football originated in Asia? Scottish people would certainly be surprised!

  2. I always thought that association football have origination on British Islands

  3. All my life I thought soccer was played on British Islands first. I didn't know story about Japanese army who played football three thousands years ago.


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