First Football World Cup

First international soccer match was played in 1872 year. After that association football started becoming popular very fast – before it was played only in GB. In 1908 soccer became an official summer olympic competition and during Olympic Games in 1920 was played first tournament which was attended by teams from different continents.
Cause of big pupularity of football games in Olympic Games FIFA (founded in 1904) wanted to organize their own soccer world cup. In 1928 FIFA conference decided to arrange their competition in 1930 year and during meeting in 1929 they made a decision to organize world cup in Uruguay (which was also known as a leader cause of winning olimpic games in 1924 and 1928).
In first FIFA World Cup 13 teems participated. There was representations of Belgium, France, Romania, Yugoslavia, 7 teams from South America and 2 From North America.

The first two matches in the history of the championship took place at the same time : 13 July 1930 at 15:00 local time. During the first, the French team beat Mexico 4-1, and in the second United States won 3-0 with Belgium. 
Finally the Uruguayan team beat Argentina 4-2 in the final match, watched by 93,000 people at the Montevideo Stadium.


  1. Don't forget to add the links you used to create this post. Edit the posts more carefully - there are loads of various mistakes, basic spelling mistakes included.

  2. Really interesting article. If someone isn't keen on football, certainly will be interested in it.

  3. It's great article. I'm interested on football, but I never read about history of World Cup before.


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