
Showing posts from October, 2017
First Football World Cup First international soccer match was played in 1872 year. After that association football started becoming popular very fast – before it was played only in GB. In 1908 soccer became an official summer olympic competition and during Olympic Games in 1920 was played first tournament which was attended by teams from different continents. Cause of big pupularity of football games in Olympic Games FIFA (founded in 1904) wanted to organize their own soccer world cup. In 1928 FIFA conference decided to arrange their competition in 1930 year and during meeting in 1929 they made a decision to organize world cup in Uruguay (which was also known as a leader cause of winning olimpic games in 1924 and 1928). In first FIFA World Cup 13 teems participated. There was representations of Belgium, France, Romania, Yugoslavia, 7 teams from South America and 2 From North America. The first two matches in the history of the championship took place at the same time : 13 Jul

First soccer clubs

First soccer clubs First official soccer team named Sheffield Football Club (Sheffield F.C) was created in 1857 by two members of Sheffield cricket club. The club was founded a full 6 years before the rules of the game were codified at the first meeting of The Football Association, so they have to write the primary rules on their own, which were focusing mainly about free kicks and fouls. These rules even say about players outfit: “ Each player must provide himself with a red and dark blue flannel cap, one colour to be worn by each side.” One interesting thing is that Sheffield was only football club for three years so cause of lack of competition they have to play matches versus their teammates. They often shared on  "Married v Singles" or "Professionals v the Rest" . Hallam F.C. founded in 1860 is a second in history soccer club. It was a small amateur soccer club from Sheffield, England, but his history is significant. After being established in 1860, t

Beginnings of association football

Who have kicked the ball first? First notes about a ssociation football are dated to the end of 12 age, when Romans went to the British islands. It was called Harpastum and it wasn’t have a lot in common with soccer we play today, it was a violent game and most importantly you could catch the ball in hands. But association football have much longer history. The beginnings of kicking the spherical object named today a ball had place in China and Japan about 2000 years B.C. Firstly soccer had a military usage – the army of cesar Huang Ti played soccer to train their mobility, dexterity and discipline. It was also useful to rip the team. On the other hand in Japan association football had a religious character and only educated people could play it. In both countries some group of people liked this game and started to play it on their own. They passed it from generation to generation, in the meantime modifying the rules, and that’s how the soccer was created

Disturbing things in presentaion

First of all the title of Ted's presentation is "The world's English mania" but during his speech hi talks only about China. This country indeed is one of the biggest countries but it shouldn't be showed like an example of all world. Second thing that i found disturbing i this presentation is fact that Ted firstly compare "trend" of learning English to nazi movement and show it like a bad thing but later he admits that it's even good to learn English so he denies himself.


1 In the middle of the podcast, while the british politician was talking, he suddenly stopped, and after a moment he explained that he heard some voice in his headphones. It was one of his producers. 2 The joke was about English ignorance. They act a typical British person which don't know how to order a beer in Spanish.