First soccer clubs

First soccer clubs

First official soccer team named Sheffield Football Club (Sheffield F.C) was created in 1857 by two members of Sheffield cricket club. The club was founded a full 6 years before the rules of the game were codified at the first meeting of The Football Association, so they have to write the primary rules on their own, which were focusing mainly about free kicks and fouls. These rules even say about players outfit: “Each player must provide himself with a red and dark blue flannel cap, one colour to be worn by each side.” One interesting thing is that Sheffield was only football club for three years so cause of lack of competition they have to play matches versus their teammates. They often shared on  "Married v Singles" or "Professionals v the Rest".

Hallam F.C. founded in 1860 is a second in history soccer club. It was a small amateur soccer club from Sheffield, England, but his history is significant. After being established in 1860, the club competed in the first ever inter-club match with Sheffield F.C., then won what is believed to be the world’s first organized soccer tournament in 1867. Moreover, the team still plays on their original field at historic Sandygate, which the Guinness Book of Records recognizes as the oldest sport grounds in the world.


  1. What a pity you copied and pasted huge passages without even acknowledging the source! What's the bloody point?! Plagiarism is a crime!
    Quotes from the website:
    The club was founded a full 6 years before the rules of the game were even codified at the first meeting of The Football Association,

    After being established in 1860, the club competed in the first ever inter-club match (against the world’s oldest team, Sheffield), then won what is believed to be the world’s first organized soccer tournament in 1867. Moreover, the team still plays on their original field at historic Sandygate, which the Guinness Book of Records recognizes as the oldest sport grounds in the world.

  2. It will be better, if you put some photos, about each subject you write about.

  3. I agree with @Szymek Bratek. You could add some photos of that Sandygate seeing that it's the oldest sport ground in the world.


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