What is to blame for the modern epidemic of obesity ?

People should blame themselves for obesity problem. We all have our own brain and and with a bit of desire can resist coming from ewerywhere ads that shows how delicous and good are their products. Its not bad to eat a burger or pizza but not all the time and in limited amount. All of these cheap and available everywhere fast foods like McDonald or KFC don't help it's on us to control ourselves and our weight.


  1. Your last sentence is a complete shift - you put part of the blame on fast food restaurants, which is NOT mentioned in your topic sentence.
    Some structures you use are painfully un-English, e.g. "coming from everywhere ads" or "available everywhere fast foods".

  2. We have our own brains and we should blame ourselvs but also whats with companies adding sugar (that is a main couse of obesity) almost ewerywhere. we can resist going to fastfoods but sometimes you eat sth that shouldn't even contain it and it turns out it does. that is the real problem


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